Commercial Solar

Commercial solar encompasses a diverse range of customers and projects, including large corporations, local small businesses, governments, schools, universities, and non-profits.

Commercial solar projects may be carports, rooftop arrays, or field- spanning ground mounts. They are often sized up to a facility's energy footprint or available space, ranging in size from just tens of kilowatts up to multiple megawatts.
Maximizing Savings and Revenue
Maximizing Savings and Revenue

Commercial Solar leverages both energy savings and corporate level strategies to optimize savings and earnings for the host site and offtaker. This sector offers significant opportunities for impacting savings and revenue when successfully implemented, as avoided taxes, reduced energy costs, and revenue opportunities create a business-friendly package that supports enterprise level sustainability goals.

Overcoming Challenges in Commercial Solar
Overcoming Challenges in Commercial Solar

Comercial solar is also the most difficult of solar to implement well. A common situation which arises is split incentives and complex financing, which can slow or inhibit the process of installing solar. Further, as property owners and operating businesses are often different, striking a balance of benefit is important as well. To that end, US Green Technologies supports both by providing assistance to owners with their financing, while outlining the opportunities available to both the businesses and owners of a site so all can derive benefit.

Maximizing Savings and Revenue

Commercial Solar leverages both energy savings and corporate level strategies to optimize savings and earnings for the host site and offtaker. This sector offers significant opportunities for impacting savings and revenue when successfully implemented, as avoided taxes, reduced energy costs, and revenue opportunities create a business-friendly package that supports enterprise level sustainability goals.

Overcoming Challenges in Commercial Solar

Comercial solar is also the most difficult of solar to implement well. A common situation which arises is split incentives and complex financing, which can slow or inhibit the process of installing solar. Further, as property owners and operating businesses are often different, striking a balance of benefit is important as well. To that end, US Green Technologies supports both by providing assistance to owners with their financing, while outlining the opportunities available to both the businesses and owners of a site so all can derive benefit.

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